Press Releases

Cyber attacks to fall in 2015, but will be more sophisticated : Report

Cyber attacks to fall in 2015, but will be more sophisticated : Report

Cybercriminals are set to become information dealers in the coming year, according to the top 10 cyber security predictions for 2015 by Websense Security Labs. Websense principal security analyst Carl Leonard said criminals will use the sale of credit card numbers to fund the collection of a broader range of data about victims.

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Progress in bipolar disorder, Study

Progress in bipolar disorder, Study

Bipolar disease is a “prevalent, complex, and hard-to-treat illness [leading] to extreme and erratic shifts of mood, thinking, and behavior, with a very high risk of suicide as well as increased risks of dying from common medical disorders,” write Guest Editors Dost Öngür, MD, PhD, of McLean Hospital, Belmont, Mass., and Ayşegül Yildiz, MD, of Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, Turkey. …

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Nomad aircraft recovery underway

Nomad aircraft recovery underway

Lake Muskoka, near Gravenhurst, Ontario, is yielding up a 70-year-old secret. Canadian Armed Forces personnel began bringing the Royal Canadian Air Force’s Northrop Nomad aircraft #3521, which crashed in the lake on December 13, 1940, to the surface.

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Scientists Urge Greater Freedoms for Canadian Government Experts, Report

Scientists Urge Greater Freedoms for Canadian Government Experts, Report

New restrictions have made it difficult for scientists around the globe to collaborate with Canadian government scientists. In response, more than 800 scientists from 32 countries have signed a letter urging Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper to “remove excessive and burdensome restrictions and barriers to scientific communication and collaboration faced by Canadian government scientists.” The letter was published as an advertisement today in the …

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