Walter Palmer : American who killed Cecil the lion closes Minnesota dental practice
Walter Palmer : American who killed Cecil the lion closes Minnesota dental practice

Walter Palmer: American who killed Cecil the lion closes Minnesota dental practice “Video”

Walter Palmer, Killer of Cecil the Lion Closes Dental Practice.

Now Dr. Walter Palmer is writing a letter explaining his side of the hunt that killed a beloved lion in Africa, and thanking his patients for their support.

Walter Palmer, according to the letter posted to KMSP’s website, said that hunting is one of his passions.

He continued by saying that, “To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted. I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt.”

He told his patients that the media’s coverage, as well as calls and comments from people who are angry about the death of Cecil, have disrupted his business and that he hopes to “resume normal operations as soon as possible.”

Meanwhile, animal lovers across the country are striking out against Palmer and his dental practice, posting reviews on River Bluff Dental’s Yelp page.

One famous name that commented on the hunt is Jimmy Kimmel, who broke down during his monologue Tuesday night.

So far, two men have been arrested and charged with the death of Cecil the lion.

According to CNN, Theo Bronchorst, a professional hunter, and Honest Ndlouv, a landowner, were charged with poaching.

They face up to 10 years in prison.

Walter Palmer has not been charged, but admits that he paid about $50,000 to hunt. Bronchorst and Ndlouv are said to have baited the 13-year-old lion out of a protective park.

Walter Palmer admitting to shooting the lion with a crossbow, but Cecil survived the wound. Bronchorst and Ndlouv found Cecil 40 hours later and shot him with a gun, CNN reported. They skinned and beheaded the lion after they found him, the authorities alleged.

They also tried to destroy a GPS collar that Cecil wore as part of research by Oxford University, CNN reported.

Cecil’s death has animal activists calling on the president of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, to ban the trophy hunting of animals.

An online petition has been started that calls for justice for Cecil and for the country to stop issuing permits to kill endangered animals.

Organizers of the petition are trying to get 600,000 online signatures.

Video : Jimmy Kimmel Cries Over Cecil The Lion


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    1. I hope this haunts this man for the rest of his life. That magnificent creature Cecil was made to suffer for the sake of this fools pleasure. Shame on Walter Palmer. You love hunting but you obviously suck at it or you would have made a clean kill. I don’t know how you look at yourself in the mirror. You are repulsive. killer.

    2. I hope someone hunts him down and slowly cuts his head off!

    3. He states he is a “responsible hunter”. Wow, he sure proved it.

    4. I personally don’t agree with hunting but the people who set this up. Enough of the public shaming leave this man alone!

    5. The hunting of any big cats should be outlawed. There is no reason to hunt lions, leopards, tigers, leopards or cougars, or any other big cat. Cheetahs, in particular, are an endangered species since there numbers are so low in the wild that they are losing their ability to have any genetic diversity, resulting in deformed, sick, or otherwise weaker cheetahs that don’t have mch chance or surviving in the wild. I’m not anti-hunting. If you’re hunting for meat that you can eat, and it’s not an endangered species, then there’s not much problem. My personal opinion is that there’s simply no reason to ever kill a bear, even though bears are apparently delicious. There are enough game animals that are over-populated and animals dying from malnutrition due to the over populated condition in some areas that it’s helpful wildlife management to allow increased hunting of any species that is over-populating certain areas, like deer in Michigan and other places. I support hunting of regular game animals like deer, elk, moose, caribou, and on down the list of legitimate game animals. There is never any legitimate reason to allow anyone to hunt any of the big cats, unless one rogue cat turns into a man-eater, which happens on very rare occasions. There is also no reason to allow people to hunt elephant, rhino, or hippo. All of this is common sense. Humans almost eliminated the buffalo or American Bison altogether. Now this species has rebounded due to smart wildlife management. Please stop hunting lions, leopards, cheetahs, tigers, jaguars, bears, elephants, rhinos, hippos, giraffes or any other none game animal. There are plenty of deer, elk, caribou, moose, wild boar, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, etc., etc., to provide all of the hunting that one can even cover in a lifetime of hunting. Both of the the Professional Hunters and the dentist (who obviously had no problem with ignoring the laws, since he had already been found guilty of dragging a dead bear into a legal area from the illegal area where he had killed it), should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law to stop all of the poaching that is coming close to eliminating tigers and elephants from the wild altogether.

    6. “To my knowledge, everything about this trip was legal and properly handled and conducted. I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt.”

      So, at the end of the hunt you realized the Lion had a GPS device/collar but you still skinned and beheaded him . This tells me you did not care, otherwise you would have informed the authorities that you killed something that should not have been killed.
      btw: Palmer not only killed Cecil, but all the cups Cecil fathered. An other male Lion will take over the territory, and will kill all of them.

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