Sergeant William Bolt Landlord - Video: Soldier on Leave Kicked Out of Wife's Apartment by Landlord
Sergeant William Bolt Landlord - Video: Soldier on Leave Kicked Out of Wife's Apartment by Landlord

Sergeant William Bolt Landlord – Video: Soldier on Leave Kicked Out of Wife’s Apartment by Landlord

Landlord Kicks Visiting Sergeant William Bolt Out Of Wife’s Apartment.
A soldier returning home for the holidays to see his wife and newborn baby in Central was reportedly told by the landlord that he could not stay any longer because it was a violation of the rental agreement.

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Sergeant William Bolt is stationed in Missouri, but his wife has been in Central, South Carolina. She gave birth to their daughter two weeks ago.

Sergeant William Bolt said the landlord at The Groves apartment complex in Central told him he had overstayed, saying visitors are not allowed to stay in the apartments past seven days, per the agreement signed by Bolt’s wife, Lily.

“I’m stationed in Missouri and we haven’t seen each other in six months. What’s the problem with me staying and visiting with my wife?” Bolt said.

The landlord, whose name is Chuck, told FOX he enforces that rule for all his tenants.

Since Bolt’s name is not on the lease, even though he is a spouse visiting, the landlord said he is not allowed to stay. Bolt said the landlord threatened to press charges and double his wife’s rent if he stayed.

“He stated to me that he didn’t care about our situation, he didn’t care about me being in the military,” Bolt said.

Sergeant William Bolt said his wife is a Clemson University student and new mom. He fears she could be evicted.

FOX showed the agreement to an attorney, who said that provision is vaguely written, and said the landlord would have a hard time pressing charges, since the person visiting is the tenant’s husband.


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    1. It seems like the landlord has other intentions with the wife. He sounds like a jealous stalker type.

    2. Rules are rules. His wife should have been smart enough to have read the lease first! If he wants to stay why don’t they renegotiate the lease pay the additional background check fee and go on with their lives.

    3. Rules may be rules but a bit of compassion goes a long way to enhancing ones reputation and building a good tenant base. In my world, if you threaten to injure a mans family, you deserve the pitfalls that may befall you.

      • If you have ever worked in a leasing situation you would understand there are safety reasons why leases are worded the way they are. There are numerous situations of on-again-off-again “spouses” and significant others. You cannot say ok to this couple and then deny non-military couples this same benefit-it would be illegal. And speaking of illegal…I will stop there, because if you like in an apartment you will already know where that “marital” comment is going. Also, some properties assign gas and electric costs per person listed on a lease. It wouldn’t be financially fair to the other resident. As a military man, we understand that this gentleman is fighting to preserve the American way of life…and that according to me is living as a law abiding citizen. This all falls back on the “military wife’s” bad choices. As a military spouse she should have been prudent enough to assume that at some point her HUSBAND would want to be in her apartment for more than 7 days out of the whole lease period…or maybe there was a reason [unpublished] that she didn’t want’t the child’s father, I mean her husband, on the lease.

    4. Is his BAH not paying the rent on this apartment? If so, this would be what I remind the landlord of every time he looks in my direction. Furthermore, this could probably have been remedied by the soldier staying 1 night away from the apartment, and then another 7 back at the apartment. I’m sure the lease says nothing about how many days out of the month (etc) that you can have visitors. It sounds as if it reads “no longer than 7 days”. So, stay 7, stay somewhere else for 1 day, and back with her for 7. I’m sure there’s someone to help them, because if his wife is a student with a newborn, someone’s watching the baby while she’s at class.

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