Judge Vance Day says he won't perform same-sex marriages
Judge Vance Day says he won't perform same-sex marriages

Judge Vance Day says he won’t perform “same-sex marriages”

Judge Vance Day, Marion County judge is under fire for reportedly refusing to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples.

Judge Vance Day, a circuit court judge in Marion County and former chairman of the Oregon Republican Party, told his staff he would not officiate same-sex weddings because of “deeply-held religious beliefs.”

Oregon legalized marriage equality in 2014, but Day stopped performing marriage ceremonies altogether this spring. “It’s an exercise of his religious freedom rights under the First Amendment,” a spokesman said.

Judges in Marion County aren’t required to officiate marriages, and while his decision has not resulted in any legal charges, the Oregon Commission on Judicial Fitness ordered an investigation.

Judge Vance Day has already started a fund to pay to cover his defense and any legal expenses incurred during the probe.


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    1. There are two issues here and as a gay man I see two solutions. For some reason that I cannot fathom, straight officiants seem to think we, the LGBT are champing at the bit to have unwilling people, marry us, bake our cakes, plan our weddings, etc, etc. Granted, there may be some gay people with a perverse sense of payback who want to push for this to happen, but the vast – and I mean overwhelmingly vast majority of us DO NOT want someone at our weddings that do not want to be there.
      Having said that, if he is the only one available to ‘issue’ licenses, then we do want him to perform that function. Gosh, the absolute vanity of straight people.

      • That’s just one judge of many in the entire state of Oregon. Also, judges don’t issue marriage licenses. County Clerks do. Just so you know, since the writer of this article got his information incorrect.

    2. Good for Judge Day not to give in to the PC police. It’s always amusing to me that the liberal press in America never likes to talk about how when the supreme court ruling came down that out of the 37 states that were allowing homosexuals to marry only two were by the vote of the citizens. Thirty five states had voted against it but somehow what the citizens voted for seems not to matter for King Obama. He loves to impose his socialist minority views against America and is seen by many as a traitor. A favorite bumper sticker here is GTFO 2016.

    3. Just wanting to point out that the article says “Judge Vance Day, Marion County judge is under fire for reportedly refusing to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples.” This is incorrect. The judge does not ISSUE marriage licenses, he performs marriages. Marriage licenses are issued by County Clerks. Just wanted to help keep the facts strait. I also want to point out that many religions priests will NOT marry persons who are not members of their church! And that this Judge is not the only judge in Oregon that can perform marriages. As j h robbins said above, why try to force a man to marry you, whose religious beliefs are contrary to your own?!?!?

    4. If homosexuality is an act of sin, I won’t support it. If heterosexual sex before marriage is act of sin (and both are) I wont support it. Both in truth only hurts society and no good will come from either acts. We can try and suppress the truth all we want, but the physical makeups of body clearly show that homosexuality was “never” in the intended plan. We can also suppress and deny the facts that we were created …but it wont change the truth and regardless of how many scoff at such message, I will neither relent to share the truth. I do pray that we by God’s grace learn to be honest with ourselves now before it is to late. May God continue to show mercy and patience with us each. A Christian saved by God

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