15 craziest celebrity feuds
15 craziest celebrity feuds

15 craziest celebrity feuds : Report

Halle Berry’s ex-lover Gabriel Aubry (father to her daughter Nahla) and her current fiancé Olivier Martinez made headlines during the American Thanksgiving weekend. The two men got into a scuffle outside of the Oscar winner’s West Hollywood home and both landed in the hospital (though it appears Aubry took the brunt of it). He claimed that Martinez threw the first punch though there is no evidence to back him up. But Berry has security cameras surrounding her home. Wasn’t the fight caught on camera?! Did someone ‘accidentally’ delete it?! No one will ever know.

What we do know is the two parents have been in a custody battle for their daughter for years. Let’s hope for her sake they can work it out.

Kanye West vs. Kris Jenner

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #tabloidfodder

When Kim Kardashian started to date Kanye West rumours swirled that her ‘momager’ Kris Jenner wasn’t pleased. On the contrary, we think Jenner saw dollar signs and smiled. Plus, all signs (okay, Instagram photos) show Jenner and West are getting along great. With him in the picture, her daughter shoots from reality star to A-List celeb. West’s superstardom and celeb circle of friends have extended Kardashian’s 15 minutes of fame.

But West didn’t quite make the Kardashian Christmas Card this year – for that you’ve got to marry (or just have a few babies) with one. Something to think about for 2013, right West? Make that one of your New Year’s resolutions!

Brandi Glanville vs. LeAnn Rimes

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #realfeud

Here’s the story: LeAnn Rimes got with Eddie Cibrian while Real Housewife Brandi Glanville was still married to him (scandal!). The rumours went public and Glanville, perhaps understandably, hasn’t been able to let it go. The two ladies keep lashing out on each other in interviews, at soccer games, and on social media.

This is another example of stars that NEED to stay off Twitter. With the bitter banter back-and-forth they sound like a bunch of middle school students.

Case in point:
“@BrandiGlanville: Someone is trying 2 get under my skin by calling MY children ‘her boys’ Sooo transparent!They R MY boys, Eddie Boys and ur step-sons… 4 now”

Mariah Carey vs. Nicki Minaj

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #realfeud

OMG American Idol is no longer on life support! I honestly had given up on this show when Simon Cowell left. It was a snore. Then they hired Nicki Minaj. Have you seen the video of her fighting with Mariah Carey? It’s must-see TV! Minaj loses it! Amazing. Rumour has it Carey was so scared that she hired extra security!

Now, Minaj claims the two are back to being friends…but my guess is that the Idol producers (and Minaj’s management team) reminded her how to act like a lady. She should take lessons from Carey. How many number one hits do you have Minaj? #justsayin!
Mariah Carey/ Instagram; Nicki Minaj/ Twitpic

Lindsay vs. Dina & Michael Lohan

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #realfeud

Can I just give Lindsay Lohan a hug? This year was supposed to be her big comeback. Then her parents got involved. Lohan starred in the Elizabeth Taylor biopic. The producers of the biopic had to have major insurance on the star because of her past arrests but they believed in her and her talent. Fans and critics said LiLo was back! (although she showed up late to set a couple of times). If only her parents could stay out of her career and her bank account! Did you hear that crazy phone call LiLo made from a limo in the middle of a spat with her mom?!

Lohan needs to edit her family and cut them off. She needs to go on intervention herself and break up with her mom and dad. There’s Dina Lohan’s [not pictured] rumoured addiction to drugs and Michael Lohan’s teenage love child, just to start. Hey guy: the gravy train is over. Get your own jobs! Just like Macaulay Culkin’s parents did. #nuffsaid
Both Keystone Press

Justin Bieber vs. Selena Gomez

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #tabloidfodder

Oh young love. Tabloids had a heyday when Justin Bieber performed at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show and some pictures of him with underwear models were leaked. Here’s the deal: the models are fans. They wanted a picture with the superstar. They took it with their cellphones and posted it on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The models were just like any other Belieber. However, they also happened to be super-hot Victoria’s Secret models in super sexy lingerie. I’m sure Selena Gomez was upset…I mean they weren’t in sweatpants! However, Gomez collected herself and for now these two are back on. But I don’t think they were really off – the tabloids blow things out of proportion! But does that mean they really aren’t back on?!
Justin Bieber/ Instagram

Chris Brown vs. Rihanna

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #realfeud and #tabloidfodder

This is one couple who should just stay clear of one another. However, there’s something magnetically pulling these two back together (which is why I voted them to ‘Sizzle’ in 2013). Here’s the deal: Rihanna, Chris Brown: stay off Twitter! Rihanna apparently was mad at Brown because he had a quick hookup with ex Karrueche Tran. To get back at him, RiRi took to Twitter and snapped some photos of herself with a black, lacy bra, a fur hoody and no undies (see it here). #Classy! She did have some other choice Tweets directed at Brown that have now been deleted from her account. Now, she’s gone silent. Good! Tabloids were reading her cryptic Tweets and trying to make sense of them.

My guess: Brown and Rihanna will be back together in the new year. Fans are calling them the next Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. I hope not.
Chris Brown/ Instagram

Chris Brown vs. Drake

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #realfeud

This year I was asking myself: is there really only one club in NYC the celebs go to? Well, I guess that’s a yes for Drake and Chris Brown. They were both a NYC nightclub when some words were exchanged but no one knows the whole story except those two! The rumour is their opposing crews had some words – I’m sure about the industry and most likely Rihanna. Drake apparently dated her for a micro minute and Brown didn’t like it. Whatever the deal was, all charges have been dropped. The police didn’t find enough evidence to charge anyone.

As for clubbing, when Drake’s in Toronto he rents a large loft space and turns it into his own nightclub to party with his crew. He controls the list of who’s in and who’s out. Sorry Brown; this is one VIP list you’re not on!
Chris Brown/ Instagram; Drake/ Instagram

Chris Brown vs. Jenny Johnson

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #realfeud

Best. Twitter. War. Ever! After Chris Brown posted a photo to his Twitter page with the caption: “I look old as f***! I’m only 23…” TV producer and comedian Jenny Johnson took upon herself to comment on it, writing: “I know! Being a worthless piece of s*** can really age a person.” And so it began. I’m not going to write what they both said as it’s NSFW. Brown’s since deleted most of the Tweets he sent to Johnson, but not before everyone on the internet saw it! Johnson’s been sending him messages since 2009 when he was arrested. I guess three years of it got to Brown and he decided to write back. ‘Team Breezy’ aka Brown fans are now Tweeting ugly comments at Johnson…but she says bring it on!
Chris Brown/ Instagram; Jenny Johnson/ Twitpic

Chris Brown vs. Chris Brown

Real Feud or Tabloid Fodder? #realfeud and #tabloidfodder

Can you see a theme going on here? Tabloids and the paparazzi love Chris Brown – but he’s also his own biggest enemy. They know wherever he’s going to be, whatever he’s going to write or even say in an interview will be controversial. My suggestion to Brown: hire a better publicist and manager or listen to the ones you have! Oh and buy some duct tape for your mouth. You’re a brilliant singer and performer; keep your personal life personal! Period.
Both Chris Brown/ Instagram


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