YouTuber spots UFO 'megaship' on NASA's live footage (Video)
YouTuber spots UFO 'megaship' on NASA's live footage (Video)

YouTuber spots UFO ‘megaship’ on NASA’s live footage (Video)

A YouTube user spotted a mysterious bright object on a live NASA feed and it has conspiracy theorists buzzing.

Footage of a mysterious bright object caught on a NASA feed from the International Space Station (ISS) has excited conspiracy theorists who say the stream has been altered to hide an “alien megaship.”

In the video taken from an ISS camera feed, what has been described as a “cigar-shaped” UFO appears to hover above the Earth, with two objects visible below it.

Screenshots and portions of the livestream were uploaded to YouTube by Streetcap1. “I thought I was seeing things. I had to be quick,” they wrote. “The dimming at the end was sudden and my guess is they [NASA] turned down the brightness a little.”

UFO hoax busters, however, remained unimpressed, with UFO of Interest blog telling RT that “It is a hoax by Youtuber Streetcap1. The video is real, not fake, but it shows just lens reflections.”

The blogger provided an example of a similar lens flare in another ISS video feed, and accused Streetcap1 of never presenting links to the “raw footage” in order to hide the full footage.

In the past, a Nasa spokesperson has explained: ‘Reflections from station windows, the spacecraft structure itself or lights from Earth commonly appear as artefacts in photos and videos from the orbiting laboratory.’

This is just the latest in a series of claims Nasa footage shows UFOs before cutting out.

In footage from the ISS channel uploaded to YouTube by user ColdPyro in November last year, a white speck can be seen emerging from the darkness just above Earth’s horizon.

Right before the ‘UFO’ travels out of view, the feed cuts to a grey screen, followed by a statement asking users to ‘please stand by’ due to technical issues.


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