In 1977, the alien-hunting astronomer Jerry Ehman spotted a signal from deep space which was so unusual that he scribbled the word “Wow” in the margin of his notebook.
Now an American researcher has uncovered evidence which could finally demolish claims that this mysterious burst of radio waves was produced by an extraterrestrial civilisation.
Antonio Paris, a professor of astronomy at St Petersburg College in Florida, claims two comets zoomed past on Earth at the very moment the “Wow” signal was recorded and published his theory in the Journal of the Washington Academy earlier this year.
The former US Department of Defence investigator has set up a crowdfunding campaign to help him raise money to build a radio telescope to “solve one of the greatest mysteries of the universe”.
He told the Sunday Times: “I have always been fascinated with astronomy, space and – more importantly – whether there is life in the universe.”
“After 40 years, the Wow signal was a cold case I wanted to reopen. Here we have a crime scene with a date and time, and a little description of the subject.”
He has now raised $18,455 of his target of $20,000, which will be used to build a telescope just in time to see the comets 266P/Christensen and P/2008 Y2 zoom through the same area of the sky as the star cluster M55 in the constellation Sagittarius.
But the astronomy expert admitted he would be disappointed if the signal wasn’t produced by
The professor added: “There’s a little bit of inside of me that hopes its aliens,”
He said he hopes it’s an alien signal but hasn’t tested his theory because he still hasn’t got the equipment needed. No scientist makes a claim like this unless they have evidence to back it up to be peer reviewed. This is supposed to be an article on science yet the Scientific Method is completely forgotten with the article’s title being based on nothing more than presuppositions and wishes. This sounds like something Marshall Applewhite or an Evangelical Apologetic would come up with using pseudo-philosophy and obscure prophecies.