Press Releases

Monarch butterfly decline linked to spread of GM crops, New Study

Monarch butterfly decline linked to spread of GM crops, New Study

The main cause of the monarch butterfly’s decline is the loss of milkweed — its food — in its U.S. breeding grounds, a new study has found. That all but confirms that the spread of genetically modified crops is indirectly killing the monarch. The groundbreaking study was published today in the Journal of Animal Ecology.

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Medical wait times up to 3 times longer in Canada, Report

Medical wait times up to 3 times longer in Canada, Report

There are some encouraging signs in a new report on hospital wait times in Canada For the past two years the Wait Time Alliance has reported a worrisome trend of little to no progress in reducing waits for a range of necessary medical care in Canada. A review of the 2014 provincial wait-time data reveals that some provinces have or …

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Nasa Researchers discover ‘Godzilla’ of all Earths

Nasa Researchers discover 'Godzilla' of all Earths

A giant planet previously thought impossible to exist has just been discovered by astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). Kepler-10c, located 560 light-years from us, is 17 times heavier than the Earth. It was previously believed that such a world couldn’t exist, because its mass would attract hydrogen atoms and form a “gas giant” such as Jupiter in …

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UK Researchers Create Working Tractor Beam

UK Researchers Create Working Tractor Beam

Tractor beams, like those made popular in science-fiction movies such as Star Wars and Star Trek, are now a reality, writes Nature World News. While tractor beams are usually the work of fiction, seen in sci-fi movies where objects can be pulled towards an energy source, researchers from the University of Dundee have found a way to make this a …

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Scientists erase, restore memories in rats

Scientists erase, restore memories in rats

Scientists erased and then restored memories in genetically engineered rats using a flash of light. The study provides the first evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship between neurons and memories, an NIH/National Institute of Mental Health news release reported.

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Ancient Rocks Provide Clues About Earth’s Earliest Crust, Report

Ancient Rocks Provide Clues About Earth's Earliest Crust, Report

The rocks about four-billion-year-old showed crust-forming processes that are very similar to those occurring in present-day Iceland. “This provides the first physical evidence that a setting similar to modern Iceland was present on the early earth,” said Jesse Reimink from University of Alberta in Canada, who collected and studied rock samples from the Acasta Gneiss Complex in Canada.

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