Model slams Kendall Jenner in an open letter, Report
Model slams Kendall Jenner in an open letter, Report

Model slams Kendall Jenner in an open letter, Report

American Model Slams Kendall Jenner in an Open Letter, Kim Kardashian’s sister Kendall Jenner has been slammed over her rise to fame in an open letter from a transgender model.

Arisce Wanzer wrote the piece and pointed out that many models struggle from deprived upbringings to make it in the fashion industry yet the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star seems to have become successful through nepotism.

The lengthy letter, which was posted on, features several cutting comments including hints that Kardashian’s infamous sex tape is the only reason Jenner is famous.

Model slams Kendall Jenner in the letter below:

Dear Kendall,

Take a moment and remove yourself from your current situation, if you can, to a life that isn’t riddled with excess and only hearing the word “yes” to your wants and requests. Now, imagine you’re from a small town and/or Third-World country where your only way to get out of your current social class, achieve your dreams, get a green card or just gain better work conditions is to become a high-fashion model. You have to leave for six months to a year sometimes, signing contracts you can barely understand, let alone oblige to, almost without choice. You’re away from your family, your friends and everything you know. You live in a one-bedroom apartment with six other girls in the same situation in this Big Apple, New York City.

Did I mention you’re only 17 when all of this goes down? That means you have to go to tutoring and/or English lessons in between learning how to “walk” at the agency, attending castings every other day, going on test shoots to get you experience, trying to learn your new neighborhood, going to the gym and hoping to maybe make some money all at once. Oh, and your apartment and test shoots aren’t free, by the way. They are added to your account with the agency, as are your casting outfits and cellphone. These are going to leave you in some serious debt if nobody books you for anything; some girls owe upward of $30,000 after a year of trying to book gigs, so take that into perspective as well, Miss Jenner.

So now let’s pretend you actually lived through all of that, and it’s finally Fashion Week. Exciting, right? This could be your big break! You could send your family in Belarus or Woodbridge, Va., the money they need for your little brothers to have new clothes and/or books for school and/or even afford a plane ticket home for the holidays! Imagine standing in line after line of girls with your exact height and body measurements all day, each one hoping for a coveted spot on the New York Fashion Week runway.

Casting after casting, and you just can’t seem to get your place. But suddenly after a week full of the word “No,” killing yourself at the gym, exhausting yourself in classes, cutting your diet in half, not talking with your family and sleeping in a room with six equally exhausted girls, you get the call. Your agent texts you with an 8 a.m. fitting at Marc Jacobs. Oh my god, you’re going to walk for Marc Jacobs! This is a dream come true, someone finally said yes, and the prestige is beyond what you could have imagined! So you pack your model bag, a bottled water, your walking shoes and agency-approved casting outfit. This could be your big break, assuming they don’t cut your look last minute, a common practice done to no-name girls, so fingers crossed!

The fitting was perfect, your garment is amazing, and Marc was SO nice! And cute, too! One last fitting after that one, and it’s show time; you’re finally going to debut everything you’ve worked so hard for. You get to prove to your family that you left everything behind for a great cause, and you can finally pay back all of your agency debt, not to mention the money your parents lent you to make ends meet.

It’s the morning of the show, and you’re up and ready, grab some fresh fruit to nibble on, pack your bag, and you’re out the door. The subway is packed with lots of models, agents, buyers and fashion people in general, all exhausted, but ready to work. You’ve been bumped/tripped by both a hairstylist’s travel kit and a makeup guys’ enormous Caboodles-like suitcase, all before 10 a.m. You walk into Lincoln Center, and it’s like magic … you can’t believe you’re here! You’ve finally made it!

Backstage is a commotion circus of clothes, hair, makeup, yelling, Fashion TV interviews … it’s an Instagram overload! All the big names are there, your personal heroes including Hanne Gaby Odiele, Karlie Kloss, Joan Smalls, Jamie Bochert, Anna Wintour, Marc Jacobs himself — the list goes on! You’ve really hit the big leagues!

But wait, isn’t that a reality TV star over there in hair and makeup? Yea, that’s definitely a Kardashian or something. What is she doing here? Did she take the subway? Was she at the casting? What agency is she with? I didn’t see her last season … Does she need MORE fame? MORE money? A green card perhaps? Doesn’t she get enough cash from that show that all of ignorant America glamorizes? Didn’t her sister have sex with someone on camera and profit from the video sales to get their family its new line of limelight? This girl didn’t do and doesn’t owe half of what you did (remember, you’re NOT “KJ” in this scenario) to get here today, that much is certain. Her mommy surely called a top agency, got her in the door and the design houses just chose to milk her fame like the cash cow that it is. One by one like dominos from Vogue to Givenchy, fashion is selling out to the ignorant masses for money. What happened to the art, the cerebral part of fashion? Did it really all die with Alexander McQueen?

Well, there goes the neighborhood, I guess. Gone is the prestige you once felt as a “chosen one” by Marc, Anna or Ricardo — this cheapens your entire experience. You thought you were special, that your hard work had finally paid off. You didn’t realize that these coveted spots were for sale. The cost? The soul and dignity of a fashion house. The clothes will still sell, and the players will still play, but the image will be forever tarnished by these real life Veruca Salts buying their way in with sleazy fame rights.

You’re on to walk in five, so you’re smoking to calm your nerves. You need to ash your cigarette, and there’s Kendall Jenner’s drink. You already feel a bit better.

Until next time, Ariscestocrats!



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    1. Model slams Kendall Jenner??? This is frustrating to me because like you, who had to work your booty off to get where you are, Kendall didn’t CHOOSE to grow up in her circumstances. She’s very fortunate and blessed. It’s not fair for you to shame her for that.

    2. People always get upset when someone has it better. Some guy claimed to have been given a chance tow rite a TV Movie (almost certainly lying), and this writer snaps, bitching about how unfair ti is the guy got such a plumb assignment without paying his dues. So what? You chose to work the long way. This guy allegedly asked a big wig if he could write something, and supposedly got permission (it still hasn’t manifested mind you.) But to get that upset because Mr. Nobody got a better break than you? Sheesh. And here’s little Miss Bitch, upset somebody got fast tracked to success. Neither of these two bothered to work on their won careers. Just whining and crying because they had to take the long way round (by their choice.) What is humanity becoming? Ignore the speedy successes and make your success your way and then go on about the joys of hard work.

    3. Model slams Kendall Jenner:) You can’t compare your journey to anyone elses. There will always be people who had it harder or easier than you, but that doesn’t make your struggle count any less. Focus on your own success and career and you will be a better person for it.

    4. Marina Đukanović

      Model slams Kendall Jenner???????????? Oh my god, this letter is so pathetic.
      1. It’s not Kendall’s fault she grew up where she did.
      2. Modelling isn’t the only way to get a better life, and which ever way you choose, you will have to work for that.
      3. You would give anything to be in her shoes…

      P.S. Kendall is great, I like her. The popularity of Kardashians isn’t their fault, it’s just the way entertainment works today, easy, cheap, fast…and they are just rolling with it. Get over yourself…

    5. Model Slams Kendall Jenner? MEOW! HISS! Jealous much? Hope this model’s days of booking jobs is over. For her to try to shame someone for not resting on their laurels and actually trying maybe to better her families rep and working when she doesn’t have to is more than a tad catty. Cyber bulling is not a good look honey! Live your life and stop worrying about what others are doing. Maybe then you will be happy with what you see in the mirror behind the good looks.

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