Marysville school shooting: Hero teacher Silberger 'prevented massacre'
Marysville school shooting: Hero teacher Silberger 'prevented massacre'

Marysville school shooting: Hero teacher Silberger ‘prevented massacre’

A FIRST-YEAR teacher has emerged as the hero of a school shooting that left a young girl dead and four injured after she grappled with the gunmen seconds before he shot himself.

Student Jaylen Fryberg, 15, went on the rampage in the campus cafeteria at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, Washington State on Friday.

Witnesses say social studies teacher, Megan Silberberger, ran into the scene and grabbed the young gunman’s arms while he was reloading his weapon. It’s thought her brave act of heroism may have prevented a more deadly rampage.

“I believe she’s actually the real hero. She’s the one that intercepted him with the gun. He tried either reloading or tried aiming at her. But she tried moving his hand away and he tried shooting and shot himself in the neck,” Erick Cervantes, a student from the same school, who witnessed the shooting, told the local TV channel.

The witness added that the gunshots followed a verbal argument and narrated how the teacher heroically confronted the teen to avoid further bloodshed.

“It wasn’t (a) wrestle. She just grabbed his arm, and it lasted like two seconds, and I heard another shot,” Carvantes said adding that it was the shot that killed the gunman.

Hundreds of students, teachers and parents piled into a nearby church on Friday evening for a candle-light vigil as the community reels in shock of the tragic loss of life and as four teenagers are being treated in hospital.

Some post on Fryber’s Twitter page are full of angry outbursts, and his most recent post on Thursday morning says, “It won’t last…It’ll never last…”

“I should have listened…You were right,” he wrote in another obscure message earlier in the week.

His pictures on social networking sites showed him in happy, playing sports and spending time with his girlfriend. In one of the images, however, he is seen holding the antler of a deer, with a hunting rifle next to him.

The gun used in the Marysville shooting was belonged to his father, reports have noted


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    One comment

    1. Hardly a week goes by without a new report of ANOTHER mass gun killing by some lunatic in the USA. And Americans are still trying to figure out the solution to these gun shootings:. Is it “more guns”, “less guns” , “more mental heath care”, “more religion”,
      “less bullying” , “more armed guards” etc.

      Hey, Americans!! Just Look around you at the rest of the civilized world.
      Every other developed country in the world has ALREADY figured out how NOT make gun massacres a monthly news event.
      England, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Japan, New Zealand. Spain , Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Greece, Austria ,Canada, Australia, South Korea, Taiwan, China, France, Germany…all the other developed countries of the world DON’T have these monthly shootings.

      Only in the USA have gun massacres become a regular ritual.
      It’s simple. Because other countries take gun ownership SERIOUSLY.
      People in other countries can’t just walk into Guns Galore (the store near Ft Hood that has sold guns to TWO GUN KILLERS) and buy an assault rifle… like a 6 pack of beer.

      Meanwhile….owning a weapon that can cause mass destruction in the US is a JOKE.
      Anyone can own a gun….”raging racists”. the mentally insane, the blind, drug addicts, alcoholics, suspected terrorists, people with uncontrollable rage, 4 year old toddlers, even people who don’t know which end of the gun is front…ANYONE..can own a deadly weapon that can cause mass destruction.

      Yet Americans are still trying to figure out why THEY are the only developed country on earth with monthly gun massacres?

      When all the other advanced countries around the world have already solved a problem that Americans still keep having month after month…year after year…and Americans still can’t figure out why
      they are the only one left with the problem.– It’s probably because Americans don’t have enough common sense to learn from other people.
      They have to keep making the same mistake over and over again. And… what you call people who keep making the same mistake over and over again???

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