Barry Williams abandons daughter, girlfriend to be homeless and destitute (Video)
Barry Williams abandons daughter, girlfriend to be homeless and destitute (Video)

Barry Williams abandons daughter, girlfriend to be homeless and destitute (Video)

Barry Williams accused of abandoning his three-year-old daughter and leaving his girlfriend ‘homeless and destitute’.

According to a report via Insideedition, Barry Williams former girlfriend, Elizabeth Kennedy and the mother of their three year old child has told that the Brady Brunch star has left her hanging. Or to be precise homeless and destitute.

Told the spurned Kennedy: ‘He allowed us to be evicted two weeks before Christmas.’

According to Kennedy the Brady Brunch star moved from their Hollywood home to pursue a career in Ozarks, Missouri (isn’t it usually the other way round?) where the actor is said to perform in timeshare presentations and where he is set to make a comeback in a new reality show (at age 60), A Very Barry Branson.

Asked how much time the actor made time for their daughter in 2014, Kennedy replies: ’A total of eight hours.’

In court papers, Williams claims he refused to marry Elizabeth because she got pregnant on purpose.

The actor goes on to characterizes Elizabeth’s claims as ‘the rants of a scorned woman’ and calls her ‘nothing more than a sexual companion.’

Told the actor in a recent interview with the Huffington Post : ‘I did some rebounding and I had my playmate.’

Asked how she takes to being described as nothing more than a sexual companion, Kennedy responds: ‘It’s the most hurtful thing that anybody’s ever done,’

Making matters interesting, Kennedy alleges that Williams is a multi millionaire who shares a trust fund worth $11.6 million. That of course raises the question whether Williams has made good on his obligations as a father to his and Elizabeth Kennedy’s child and if not why the actor is dragging his feet.

Asked if she could say anything to her former heart throb, Kennedy responds:

‘That he should be ashamed of himself.’

Kids, why bother with a concoted reality show when you just cast your former playmate of seven years into the fold?

Adding further intrigue to the mix, the actor would tell the Huffington Post the following during his February 5 interview when asked about his family affairs:

‘We don’t have time for all of that rigamarole and sorting it out. I want to find out if Bruce Jenner is going to become a woman or not.

‘That guy is committed. He is committed to promoting himself. And I’m thinking, maybe, I don’t know, I could say – I’m just saying, if this thing doesn’t work, and the series isn’t doing as well as I want, I’m going transgender.’

A source close to Barry Williams has since told his ex’s claims are ‘nonsense’ adding that it was Elizabeth who refuses to let Barry see his daughter.


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    One comment

    1. The first thing his Ex should do if not already done is to prove paternity then get a judgment of child support proportional to his own life style after all his child should live as comfortable as he dose. She then if not already educated in some field should set some goals for herself. Always make yourself supported independently never allow yourself to be dependent on anyone for your support. In other word be with someone because you want to not because you have to. That Never ends well and End it will.

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