Ashley Brady, Woman With Prosthetic Leg Finds ‘Really Rude’ Letter on Windshield After Making Simple Request, Ashley, 26, in Ohio, was forced to learn how to walk again after she lost her right leg in an accident last year.
Speaking to Fox 2 News, she said she requested a disabled parking space at her apartment complex after struggling to get to her car when there was snow and ice on the ground, causing her to fall many times.
[fwdevp preset_id=”8″ video_path=”SJqCquwvN0w”]After waiting nearly the whole winter to be allocated the space, Brady arrived home just two days later to discover her space had been taken.
“I left her a note saying why I needed that spot, that I found it disrespectful, and if she did it again she would be towed,” Brady told the Amputee Coalition of America.
“I was stern and confident in what I was saying,” she told Fox 2 News. When she received the reply from her neighbour in the form of a piece of paper tucked under her windscreen wiper, Brady “read it probably like five times over and over” out of shock.
The insulting note left by Brady’s neighbour started: “Hey Handicap.”

“1st never place your hands on my car again! And honey you aint the only one with ‘struggles’ you want pity go to a one leg support group! You messed with the wrong one! I don’t care about what your note said, but you touch my car again and I will file a report, I am not playing! I let the office know the cry baby one leg touches my property I will cause trouble so go cry your struggles to someone who cares cause I’m walking away with both mine!!!!!! – B****” [sic].”
The management of Brady’s apartment complex reportedly have yet to decide on an appropriate course of action.
Brady has filed a grievance with Ohio police and her struggle has not gone unnoticed. She sent a picture of the note into the Amputee Coalition of America and received hundreds of messages support from the group’s Facebook community.
I feel sorry for Mz. Brady over that females letter to her. Some people have NO RESPECT, some of the strongest people I know are handicapped in some form. The Apt. Mgr. should have Immediately taken steps to correct that neighbors insult to Brady. Not only is it insulting for Mz Brady, once the sign be it on a signpost or painted on the pavement is in place it is illegal to park there. If you park there you can legally incur a hefty fine, possible jail time and DEFINETLY be TOWED AT THE OWNERS EXPENSE.
Keep up the fight MZ Brady, we’re with you in support.
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, better known as the Fair Housing Act, prohibits discrimination in situations such as this. Not only did the apartment complex violate this law by their failure to provide reasonable accommodation(Section 804(f)3(B)) in making Ms. Brady wait so long for her assigned parking space, but they are also violating Section 818 of this same law by allowing tenant-on-tenant harassment based upon a protected class. There is no question as to what the apartment complex should do – issue a lease violation notice to that tenant that wrote the note! Not to mention someone should teach her some basic human manners.
So she can just put a nasty note on someone car and think because she is handicap she can do what she wants, she needed to take that up with the complex.PERIOD!!!!!!!Yea don’t put your hands on my car…
Most apartment complexes have parking permits or otherwise controlled parking. The solution here is to complain to the complex or follow the existing rules for reporting parking violations and having the offending car towed. No reason to start a fight with the offending driver. If they can’t handle the parking rules then they can take it up with the complex Management.