Zebra mussels increasing in Manitoba, Report
Zebra mussels increasing in Manitoba, Report

Zebra mussels increasing in Manitoba, Report

The Manitoba government says monitoring has shown a significant increase in the number of zebra mussels in Lake Winnipeg and the Red River.

The aquatic invasive species has popped up in Lake Winnipeg at Victoria Beach, Grand Beach and the Winnipeg Beach area on beaches, boats and docks. In the Red River, they’ve been found at St. Andrews Lock and Dam.

Under the federal Fisheries Act, it is illegal to possess or transport zebra mussels.

Saturday and Sunday, watercraft inspection stations with decontamination units targeting) will be available for day-use boaters at Selkirk Park and Pine Falls.

To report a zebra mussel or any other AIS from a location, the province asks you take pictures and visit the website www.manitoba.ca/stopais or call 1-87-STOP AIS-0 (1-877-867-2470).


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    One comment

    1. Rudy Haugeneder

      Zebra mussels must be tasty. If so, perhaps we need a national program encouraging Canadians to eat as many as can be harvested which, no doubt, could be plenty. Otherwise, the Zebra will stripe all our lakes and strip them of other marine species. So, eat, eat, eat.
      And also eat as many Asian Carp that can be caught in Canadian water. The Americans would also be wise to do that — eat Asian Carp and Zebra mussels instead of other meat. It would also be great if fast food chains were required to serve them.

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