A meteor flared across the sky over Phoenix, Arizona Thursday morning, reportedly waking many residents from their slumber with the sound of a loud bang as it passed.
A witness said the strange light lit up the front of her house and she “heard a loud roaring and then it was gone.”
A security worker said he noticed a “fireball” that lit up the sky.
Other residents reported hearing a bang or loud boom.
The American Meteor Society took numerous reports about a “fireball.” A spokesman for the group said it was a meteor. Witnesses from Utah, New Mexico, California, Texas and Nevada also reported the event.
An expert in meteorites said the bright flashing light looks like a single meteor burning up as it entered the Earth’s atmosphere. Laurence Garvie, curator of the Center for Meteorite Studies at Arizona State University, said radar footage shows that meteorites may have fallen to the ground near the eastern Arizona community of Cibecue.
A Luke Air Force Base spokesman said no missile launches had been reported from any base.
Video footage shows the skies going from dark to instantly bright, and then growing then grew even brighter. A loud boom accompanied the light.